Every time it rains as a natural disaster: TSN understood why floods Kiev

Every time it rains as a natural disaster: TSN understood why floods Kiev
Yesterday, 22:59
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The city constantly faces the threat of paralysis because of huge puddles.
Water on the roads of Kiev still remains, so the journalists decided to find out why each rain in the capital turns into a disaster. To stopped public and private transport, this time it took a matter of minutes, says the story TSN.19:30.
After the evening downpour the previous morning, the utility came on problem areas to clean storm drains. To speed up the path of the waste water pipe was pushed through the hose. “Gets the rubbish and makes the traffic jam,” explained workers. Rains wash into drains everything in its path: the sand from lawns, waste from roads and pavements, stones, trash – plastic bottles, small metal items, and the like.
Videots learned why the city roads turn into rivers after each downpour
After evening showers in the morning before the utility came on problem areas to clean the sprues. But enough of this for a while. Local cleansing globally will not solve the problem, say the utilities. The pipes in each area paved with its development, but since many parks of Kyiv disappeared under the apartment blocks.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:02
Problems with drain drain not only in Kiev – Chernigov recently in the private homes of two streets in the rain almost gone, along with the water. The people there also complain of drainages: surface rain drains overflowing, water does not have time to go to the manifold. “She can’t go because of clogging big, because it is not cleaned properly. I am 26 years old live here, but I don’t see cleaning the pipe inside,” says one of the residents of the city.
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But the utility was convinced that the local cleansing globally will not solve the problem – the pipe in each area paved with its development, but since many parks of Kyiv disappeared under high-rise buildings and how buildings are sealed? “This system is clean, it is clean but a large amount of water – it just does not have time to go through this pipe diameter. Everything is built, and shopping malls, and big houses, they have a large water intake that causes the flooding,” – said the Deputy head of KP SHEU Dnipro district of Kyiv Nikolay vergunov.
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A powerful downpour in the capital: cars floating on the flooded streets (4 photos)
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21 Jul, 14:33
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In some places, to avoid flooding, the pipe diameter should be increased twice because of communication, even clean, just not as quick to swallow such a large amount of water. But it will have to do again and again, because this summer sky like burst , constantly pouring and pouring, rainy weather forecast till the end of the month. Someone jokes that the people of Kiev it is time to stock up on boats. To do away with the flooding once and for all can only be a reconstruction of the collectors and the network.
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In Kiev, after a rainstorm collapsed an overpass at Teligi
The meteorologist explained that the annual rainfall has actually increased, just the rains were different. “Sometimes, one day falls half month norm of precipitation. This is very typical for some tropical parts, that is, the amount of rainfall increases a little, before rain was more prolonged and less intense,” – said the forecaster Vladislav Bilyk.
The correspondent TSN Valentine Goodness
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