Donetsk oblast in June became the leader in the average salary in Ukraine

Donetsk oblast in June became the leader in the average salary in Ukraine
Yesterday, 22:33
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The average salary in Ukraine is more than 9.1 per thousand.
In the Donetsk region in June was the highest average salary among all regions of Ukraine. In the Donetsk region received an average of UAH 9774.
It is reported by the Ministry of economic development and trade.
In second place – Kiev region, here the average salary in June amounted to UAH 9481. The third – Dnipropetrovsk oblast with a salary 9065 UAH.
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Average nominal wages in Ukraine in June amounted to UAH 9141. This is 24.2% more than last year in June, 2.5 times more than the minimum wage.
Most in Ukraine are the workers of the industry of pharmaceuticals, financial and insurance areas, as well as professionals in the field of it and telecommunications.
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Belarus is ahead of Russia on the level of real wages, and Ukraine barely crossed the threshold of $1 thousand.
Earlier it was reported that the salaries of Ukrainians grew by more than a quarter. For 2018, the average wage rose to 8225 hryvnia, which is almost a third more than in the same period last year. The highest level of remuneration in sectors of aviation transport, financial and insurance activities, as well as pharmaceuticals. Just earn less than couriers, doctors, librarians, Museum workers, and also employees of public utilities.
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Snidanok 1+1
18 Jul, 09:44
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