The Prosecutor in court took biological samples from the driver of the Hummer that killed a child

The Prosecutor in court took biological samples from the driver of the Hummer that killed a child
Today, 12:14
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The samples examined by experts.
Have a suspect in the Commission of a fatal accident on the Boulevard Lesia Ukrainka Kirill Ostrovsky selected biological samples for examination.
About it reported in a press-service of capital Prosecutor’s office.
“The Shevchenkovsky district court of Kiev 30.07.2018 satisfied the petition of the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s office on forced removal of biological samples from the driver of the Hummer who is suspected of committing a traffic accident on the Boulevard of Lesya Ukrainka, which killed 10-year-old girl,” – said in the message.
As noted in Prosecutor’s office, court enforcement sampling was performed on the same day.
“Obtaining samples for expert examination carried out by the Kyiv city Bureau of forensic medical examination with participation of the lawyer”, – assured the Ministry.
According to the results of investigative actions was drawn up, which is attached to materials of criminal proceedings.
Note, after the arrest of a suspect in the accident passed the test for Ringsted, and was then taken to the Kyiv city narcological clinical hospital “sociotherapy” to complete the survey on the state of alcoholic and narcotic intoxication, where they provided urine samples.
At the same time, the driver refused to voluntarily provide other biological samples.
We will remind, on July 24 at about 22:30 on the Boulevard Lesia Ukrainka 23-year-old driver of the Hummer was hit on the regulated passage of a 10-year-old girl. A car moving on a red signal of a traffic light. The girl died in the carriage of an emergency.
To the detainee it is declared suspicion under article “violation of traffic rules, entailed death of the victim” and “leaving in danger”. According to father Kirill Ostrovsky, a girl jumped into the road very sharply during the change of traffic signals, his son tried to brake, but probably not work the brakes.
The Shevchenkovsky court of Kiev chose for Kirill Ostrovsky measure in the form of uncontested custody for two months until 21 September.
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