KOBOLEV explained why “Naftogaz” need IPO

KOBOLEV explained why “Naftogaz” need IPO
Today, 12:20
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The NAC now is the reform of the company structure and management.
In the NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” continues the process of corporate restructuring, with an ultimate goal of the IPO of the company. This will strengthen the structural changes that have occurred in a state enterprise.
In an interview with the “Economic truth”, said the head of “Naftogaz” Andrey Kobelev.
“The way it was done and the Norwegian state company Statoil (present name – Equinor), and a lot of the Chinese oil and gas companies. A small stake, 15-20%, is produced on a Western stock exchange, ideally for us” – said Kobolyev.
To stock there were trading and were quoted, the company must meet a high standard of corporate governance.
“We offer not a controlling and a minority stake of “Naftogaz” to place on a Western stock exchange, which will create the need to follow the strict rules of corporate governance that is in the world”, – said the head of “Naftogaz”.
Meanwhile, Naftogaz has offered a loan for the purchase of gas.
Videonablyudeniye the Board of “Naftogaz” to reward their employees half a billion hryvnia
Officials ordered to reward yourself for winning in the Stockholm arbitration. The payment was estimated at 1% of the amount of the winning, and it – 46 million 300 thousand U.S. dollars. Taxes pledged to pay 9 million. The rest is divided among 41 persons involved in the victory over “Gazprom”.
TSN. 19:30
30 may, 20:44
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