The journalist called the names of those killed in battle on Bakhmutskaya route of the Ukrainian military

The journalist called the names of those killed in battle on Bakhmutskaya route of the Ukrainian military
The war in the East
Yesterday, 23:59
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Also killed the commander of the 128th brigade.
Thursday, August 23, in a combat zone in the Donbas officially killed five Ukrainian military. Four of them – during the long battle on Bakhmutskaya route.
According to TSN correspondent Andrew Tsaplienko, the four dead soldiers “Aydar” name is Marian najda, Taras Protsenko, Mikhail Shcherbanyuk and Andrew Chirwa.
In addition, killing the company commander of 128 mountain-infantry brigade, the Crimean George olkhovskiy.
Tsaplienko said that this is an incomplete list of losses among the military on August 23, because the fighting continues almost everywhere along the line of contact.
See also:
The Ukrainian military has shown the Russian weapons to the militants, which was found at the scene of the battle on Bakhmutskaya route
“Today, these completely different people gave their lives for a United Ukraine. For those who will watch tomorrow’s parade. For our rest and peace. The world that we’re enjoying debt. Just remember this”, – the journalist wrote.
Today waiki day. These have not Bulo. Holy, prosecute crow Yu. So the same, as first ensign, zaradi yakogo zaginul TSI…
Posted Andriy Tsaplienko Thursday, 23rd August 2018 R.
We will remind, in the morning of 23 August, the militants in the Donbas tried to seize the positions of Ukrainian military in the Crimea on Bakhmutskaya route. During this fight the Russian occupation troops have carried out more than 30 rounds of artillery caliber of 122 mm and has released over 60 min of caliber of 120 mm and a 60 — caliber 82 mm. Were active in firing from APCS and grenade launchers of various types. As a result of 5-hour battle killed four Ukrainian military, another seven received injuries of various degrees. The losses of the insurgents amounted to eight killed and 11 wounded. The attack was repulsed.
Videohostinge at the front, four soldiers were killed during the long battle for the Crimean
At dawn the Germans went on the offensive under the Crimean, trying to capture vantage points along the bakhmutka. In this battle, four Ukrainian soldiers were killed and seven were injured.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 19:47
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