The Finance Committee has become a key in Parliament – expert


The main objective of Rada is to prove your ability to answer the key challenges in the sphere of security and economy, and thus to save themselves from possible dissolution – so the political scientist Vadim Karasev praised the agenda of the next session of the Supreme Council, in comments to journalists.

“As for priorities, surely, are the main challenges, as in all recent years, will stand in the sphere of security and defense. The question is not only to provide funding for the army, the issue is much wider – in offer private initiatives to ensure national security in a changing external environment.

In addition to safety, one of the key committees of Parliament – on Finance and banking. Without industrial growth will not have a healthy budget, no economic recovery, at the same time,the industry is now suffocating without credit. Moreover, to run knowledge-intensive and technologically advanced industries (including defence) need cheap credit, and the banking system in its present state cannot provide. Financial reform is not only the consolidation of banks and reorganization of financial institutions. Committee C. Fishing in the past year have developed the Strategy of development of Bank system of Ukraine, and now to realize it needed fleshed out a legislative package, which will update the blood of the economy – Finance. This requires, of course,collaborate with the Finance Ministry and national Bank, and with leading experts in the industry – just as it was in the development Strategy prepared by the Committee” – said Karasev.

But at the same time to the Council during the sixth session of the expert notes and significant risks: “First of all it is the political opposition, concentration on human intrigue that will surely push the needed system solutions and conceptual discussions on the second plan. The making to the fore questions of law about the occupied territories without a thorough discussion on the grounds outside the Parliament – can do to block the work of Parliament”.


