In Ukrainian banks increased the proportion of “dead” loans
In June the share of problem loans in the Ukrainian banking system rose 1.34%, the figure increased to 57.73%.
The total volume of credit portfolio in June has grown on 0,06% – to 1,018 trillion UAH. Such data are the national Bank of Ukraine, transfers “Interfax-Ukraine”.
The high ratio of non-business loans to the loan portfolio recorded in the state banks, and 73.1%, whereas that of insolvent banks, the NPL ratio was 54.7%. Foreign banking groups the ratio of non-business loans to the loan portfolio is by 47.97%, the banks with private capital – 24.75 per cent.
The share of problem assets of the banking system, taking into account off-balance sheet commitments is 29,46%. The total volume of such assets on 1 July reached 2,105 trillion UAH.
We will remind, under the new rules, hours are loans with late payments over 90 days (30 – for banks) or for which repayment is unlikely without charging provision.
Earlier it was reported that Ukrainian banks reduce Deposit rates.