The details of the bloody attack on a businessman in Kiev: male defended a bundle of money price injured

The shooting occurred this morning in Central Kiev, when three unknown attacked the businessman in order to select a bag with money. With him were knives and guns, but despite this, the victim began to resist, according to a story TSN.19:30.
“I heard the shot. Thought maybe someone has a tyre that kept going on. I realized that was not a bus,” – said the witness of events Tamila Kharchenko. She saw everything with my own eyes – I was walking with a colleague at work. Said that the victim had seen before – some unknown persons attacked the 28-year-old entrepreneur. “He works here, came from the company”, – says an eyewitness.
Video settings in Kiev three intruders attacked a man and tried to take a bag with money
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:26
The man was carrying a bag in which were a few hundred thousand. He walked to the road, but in the corner it was waiting for the attackers. “And one, and the second was a weapon in hands”, – tells Tamila.
The man was knocked to the ground and beaten with a gun on the head to give the money he held tight to himself. He heard a few random shots, which began to gather people from neighboring buildings – shop stores, employees of the channel, passers-military. Then the attackers got into the car and drove away.
See also:
In Kiev, unknown persons in masks shot a man
At the scene, investigators found the knife that dropped is unknown as well as cigarette butts and one bullet. According to preliminary data, the attackers shot from a firearm. “Made three more shots. The driver and two men in respiratory masks, glasses and the Bjorn. “Audi And-6″ dark blue”, – told the witness on the attackers. Within minutes police arrived and doctors. The man that was able to hold the bag with the money, badly received, but no bullet didn’t hit him. “Didn’t shoot him, the bullet wounds he had. Frightened that he gave that bag,” says Tamil.
Three of the attackers and their SUV was declared wanted. “Looking, haven’t found”, – said the head of the Shevchenkivsky district police station Herman pristupa. The victim was hospitalized in stable condition, his life threatens nothing.
The TSN reporter Anton Strashko
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