Corruption of the Ukrainian leaders selects the future of the country – Forbes

The enemy of Ukraine – in the country. This writes Wes Martin in the article on the website Forbes.
In the global ranking of perception of corruption, Ukraine shares the 131-th place (of 176 countries) with Russia and Iran. Ukraine is its own worst enemy. A survey conducted by the Ukrainian Dragon Capital, confirmed that citizens are more concerned about widespread government corruption and a weakened judicial system than another attack by Russia. The financial situation is very unstable, and this allows citizens and potential foreign investors to understand that the currency will be from week to week.
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Seventy years ago Germany and Japan were out of absolute devastation. Twenty years later they managed to enter the world market. Today, Germany and Japan – the two largest economies of the world. Ukraine has the necessary resources, labor and is in an excellent position to become a successful economy. Unfortunately, widespread internal corruption – the greatest obstacle to Ukraine. Instead to devote himself to the development of the future in the long term, political and judicial leaders are primarily focused on their own short-term financial benefits.
Even when foreign investors are potential interest, they repel. Born in Ukraine, Vadim Segal, is a Prime example. He is now a citizen of the United States, managing the investment firm in new York. Segal previously invested in the future of their country. Unfortunately, his soy plant worth $ 50 million was captured by Ukrainian billionaire Dmitry Firtash (he currently awaits extradition to the US from Austria to stand trial on charges of corruption). Fraud, extortion, physical threats are all tools used by Firtash.
According to the Chicago Tribune, comparing the Firtash racketeering with the mafia, the Prosecutor wrote: “Firtash and (the second defendant Andras Knopp) have been identified by law enforcement agencies of the United States as two representatives of high rank of the Russian organized crime; the trial against them will violate this organized criminal group and does not enable it to carry out further criminal acts in the United States. “This accusation is also aimed at the corruption of foreign public officials, worry that Congress called threat to global security,” they added.
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When in 2010 Vadim Segal addressed the Ukrainian government with a request to fix it, Firtash and his business associates controlled the courts and the police. According to reports, Firtash has used close ties with the government and the Ministry of internal Affairs, Interpol has issued an arrest warrant Segal. After a few recent legal victories during the tenure of President Poroshenko, Vadim Segal still trying to regain full control of the plant. Sergiy Lyovochkin (the former head of Yanukovych’s administration) and members of the Alexander Granovsky and Ivan Fursin has managed to capture the judicial system and, presumably, to commercialize.
The situation in Ukraine is so bad that even her own Prime Minister recently stated: “the weakest link in our fight against corruption – a Ukrainian court.” Partners Firtash allegedly control much of the “Opposition bloc” in Parliament, and the country’s leadership to pursue a policy of compromise and concessions, given the financial stability of its supporters.
President Poroshenko has very little time to clean up their government and system. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and other U.S. officials for some time pushed Ukraine to continue reforms that would combat corruption and increase government transparency.
Ukrainian leaders not only Rob the citizens financial stability, they Rob citizens of their future. “In recent years, the political situation and the situation in the security sphere deteriorated, but the problems are long-term in nature and are associated with a poor business climate, weak institutions and widespread corruption,” said the Organization for economic cooperation and development.
Investors are willing to take the risk. Such is the nature of their business. But they don’t want to invest in a guaranteed failure. It is now offering Ukraine. To attract foreign investment, we must change the environment – starting with the judicial and biznesinform. You need to prevent the repetition of situations such as the brothers Segal, and stop this farce.
Meanwhile, the systematic inability of Ukraine to protect foreign investors will lead to economic and personal sanctions against individuals and institutions. Ukraine will need the state support US to build their future and protect their borders. Support for the crimes committed against US investors, and proof that the Ukrainian government cannot be trusted, guaranteed to alienate the U.S. Congress and the state Department.
Prime Minister Groisman came to the post, promising to fight corruption. According to him, the Ukrainian people and government officials have to support him and solve the problems that are a disgrace to the country at the international level. Organized crime and corruption in government can be overcome. Instead allow the judiciary to become a commercial enterprise as it is now, Ukrainian leaders need to make some radical changes and fast.
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The Ukrainian people need Rudy Giuliani to lead the fight against corruption and started a real change and reform if the country wants to attract investment. As U.S. attorney, Giuliani started a lawsuit against the heads of new York’s so-called “five families” in new York in accordance with the Law on influential and corrupt organizations (RICO) on charges of extortion, labor racketeering and murder. Maybe it’s time for the President to prosecute several officials of his political family to root out corruption.
With the support of the Prime Minister Groisman, Magnitsky Act and special legislation, similar to our Law on influential and corrupt organizations (RICO), the Ukrainian leader could clean up this whole rotten system.
While the government of Ukraine will not begin to take decisive action to help themselves cope with problems, it will retain its title of one of the most corrupt governments in the world. Meanwhile, his own citizens will remain its main victims.
We will remind, earlier the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Ukraine should get rid of the “cancer” of corruption. According to him, at that time, as the Alliance will support Ukraine, Ukraine should lead the effort.
“If Ukraine really wants its potential use, a lot to do,” – said the NATO Secretary General.
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