The Finance Ministry outlined plans to reduce the state debt of Ukraine to GDP

By 2020 the state debt of Ukraine should be reduced from the current 66% of GDP to 55%.
Such figures during the presentation of the draft budget 2018 in the Verkhovna Rada called the Finance Minister Alexander danyluk, reports “Economic truth”.
“Our goal in the debt policy is the reduction of the budget deficit to 2% of GDP in 2020, which in turn will reduce the debt burden from the current 66% to 55%”, – said danyluk.
We will remind, the total amount of debt by 2018 at the level of UAH 1,999 trillion (61.5% of GDP). Government guaranteed debt will amount to 551 billion 747 million UAH. Public and publicly guaranteed debt is expected to amount to 84.6% of GDP.
In 2016 the total public debt of Ukraine increased from 65.51 billion to 70.97 billion. The costs of servicing the state debt of Ukraine in the past year amounted to 95.8 billion UAH 11.3 billion or by 13.4% more than for the 2015 of the year at 84.5 billion UAH.
The national debt is the total debt of the state on return of received and outstanding loans, which result from government borrowing.
The basic nuances of the draft budget-2018 read on Dnia this link.