Ukrainian border guards do not have access to 150 kilometers of the border with Hungary.
150 kilometers of the Ukrainian border with Hungary are private land.
About it on air of TV channel “112 Ukraine”, said the chief military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios.
“So, in fact, 150 km is land, 2 ha village Council has given local residents. After that, they have been accumulated in individual hands, built communication, and there are clusters at all, “gulyaypolsky”. When the Baron, say the Gypsies, someone said the headman or senior on-site directs the center for these people who are admiringly looking at the “hand daudu” he said.
According to him, the border guards do not have full access to it.
The military Prosecutor promised to inform the public Prosecutor Yury Lutsenko.
“I believe that it can’t be, this can’t continue,” said Matios.
Videogame foreign Minister Klimkin tried to solve the relations with Hungary
TSN. 19:30
12 Oct, 20:00
We will remind, on Friday, October 13, the Budapest Embassy of Ukraine in Hungary took action for “self-determination of Transcarpathia”. Demonstrators in favor of “self-determination of Transcarpathia and freedom Ruthenian, Polish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Armenian national communities living on the territory of Ukraine” and protest against “the barbarism of the coup, which captured Ukraine, and with it the Hungarian national brothers.”
Recall, September 5 during a meeting of the Rada adopted the law of Ukraine “On education”, which introduced the 12-year secondary education. The language of instruction in educational institutions determined by the state. The document envisages that the institutions can give one or more courses two or more languages – the state language, English and also in other official languages of the European Union. Persons who belong to indigenous peoples and national minorities of Ukraine is guaranteed the right to education in their native language along with the Ukrainian language in public institutions of preschool and General secondary education.
Romania and Hungary, criticized the adopted law on education, believing that it violates the rights of national minorities in Ukraine. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Hungary péter Szijjártó said that Budapest will require the introduction of sanctions against Ukraineif it does not withdraw the law on education.
In December it is expected the opinion of the Venice Commission regarding the law of Ukraine “On education”.