Matios said that many Russians are fighting in the Donbass and how they are armed

As of today, in the occupied territories of Ukraine are up to 40 thousand armed men.

This was reported by the chief military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios, transfers “112 Ukraine”.

“It (a number of armed men in the occupied territories – Ed.) varies in the different periods, stages of escalation or remission, but a total of up to 40 thousand armed men, who have the appropriate training at the expense of the officers of the Russian Federation. Directly contingent of Russians in different periods ranged from 3 thousand military of the Russian Federation to 16 thousand,” – he said.

See also:

In Russia opened a number of dead Russian military for five years, the peak of deaths occurred in 2014

The chief military Prosecutor recalled that on the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions, the Russian military formed two army corps. It is the “First army corps militia DNR” with “headquarters” in Donetsk, the second “Army corps of the people’s militia” with “headquarters” in Lugansk.

“We are fighting against-formatted, well-equipped and provided with military force. More than 35 thousand people, 5 brigades, 3 separate regiments, 8 battalions, 2 independent companies, 5 battalions of territorial defense, more than 18 thousand individuals the military only in “DNR”, 320 tanks, 600 armored combat vehicles, 250 guns, 130 multiple rocket launcher systems of fire. It’s only the Donetsk region”, – said Matios.

Earlier it was reported that for four years, during which continues in the Donbas anti-terrorist operation, military intelligence detained 11 citizens of the Russian Federation.

Videosource ATO: one Ukrainian soldier died and four were injured

Two of them exploded during a combat mission. The rest suffered from enemy attacks. The invaders have intensified along the front line. At the arc Svetlodarsk 2 hour hit with mortars. Also under mortar fire hit the seaside front: Shirokino, Lebedinskoye Water.

TSN. Wounds

Yesterday, 07:55


  • Donbass
  • the Russians
  • Matios

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