The head of “Ukravtodor” cause in Poland for questioning in the case of fraudulent financial pyramid

The head of “Ukravtodor” pole Slawomir Nowak call to Warsaw for questioning. This was the official who had previously held the post of Minister of transport of Poland, told local media, said the plot of TSN.Ranok. May 23 Novak to appear at meeting of temporary Commission of inquiry of the diet. It will consider unlawful the establishment and functioning of a financial pyramid “Amber Gold” in Gdansk. The pyramid without the necessary permits and worked in Poland from 2009 to […]

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Gontareva went into a prolonged vacation, which promised not to return to the national Bank

Today, may 11, Valeria Gontareva no longer works as the head of the National Bank of the country, although formally still in office. She left a nice long vacation – until she was fired by the Verkhovna Rada. The corresponding statement she wrote a month ago and handed over to the President. The acting Chairman of the NBU will be the first Deputy Gontareva Yakov Smoliy. He is a programmer by training, works in banking sector since 1991. First Deputy […]

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How much it costs to fill a car at a gas station. Average prices for may 11

On the Ukrainian gas stations over the past days the price of fuel has not changed and remained consistently high. This is stated in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”. A liter of gasoline category A-95 in average in Ukraine today, may 11, is of 25.08 UAH. Depending on the gas stations, the price of this fuel varies from 23,84 26,99 UAH to UAH. That is, to save or to overpay it is possible to 3.15 UAH. Liter of diesel […]

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Dollar and Euro cheaper in the course of the national Bank on may 11. Infographics

The national Bank of Ukraine set the official exchange rates on Thursday, may 11. The US dollar lost 5 cents and worth 26,45 UAH. The Euro became cheaper by 27 cents and is 28,78 UAH. Recall that in the budget for 2017 laid down the dollar to 27.2 UAH. Throughout its history the record of hryvnia established two years ago – February 26, 2015 in NBU official exchange United States dollar amounted to 30.01 UAH, and the Euro – 34,04 […]

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Top 3 richest officials of Ukraine headed by Groisman

Nearly a million officials reported on their income for last year is double what it was in 2015, but still no Declaration at the national Agency for prevention of corruption is not checked. Meanwhile, independent analysts of the day considered the work of Ministers, says the story TSN.19:30. For 2016, the members of the Cabinet have declared 289 million. Most of the income was in the head of the government – 28 million. Of these, almost half he got from […]

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