The site is not to blame. Ukrainians can be punished for late filing of e-returns

Reply for late submission of electronic declarations are Ukrainians. Despite the fact that haven’t worked the site, which had to report their income. At the meeting of the National Agency for prevention of corruption are unable to make a decision that would be guilty in a situation considered state enterprise “Ukrainian special systems”, responsible for the technical operation of the website. “Thanks to the members of the NAPC, which today disrupted the meeting, the situation remains “volatile”. And it becomes […]

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On the last day of March, the main currency will become cheaper in the courses of the national Bank. Infographics

The national Bank of Ukraine set the official exchange rates for Friday, March 31. The US dollar will drop by 7 cents and will cost UAH 26 and 97. The Euro will become cheaper by 10 cents and will be 28,96 UAH. Recall that in the budget for 2017 laid down the dollar to 27.2 UAH. Throughout its history the record of hryvnia established two years ago – February 26, 2015 in NBU official exchange United States dollar amounted to […]

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The head of the NACP called those responsible for the failure of e-Declaration and called on to punish them

Tomorrow, 31 March, completing the process of submission of electronic declarations for civil servants and persons equated to them. Documents needs to submit about 700 thousand Ukrainians. However, many of them can not do because of the constant problems with the electronic system it hangs or does not work for two weeks now. Those who submit an e-Declaration for the first time, extended the deadline for another month – until 30 April inclusive. The Chairman of the National Agency for […]

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Lutsenko announced the nationalization of “Dniproavia”

The economic court under the representation of the Dnipropetrovsk regional Prosecutor’s office ordered the transfer of 94.5% of shares of OJSC “Aviation company “Dniproavia” in favor of the state. About it reported on its page on the social network Facebook, the General Prosecutor of Ukraine Yury Lutsenko. “Boris Filatov, it seems, saved a lot. The new airport won’t have to build,” commented the head of the GPU and added a smiley to that message.

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Ukraine will receive 600 million euros of aid from the EU next week — Poroshenko

After the meeting with President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that already next week Ukraine expects revenues from the EU macro-financial assistance, the amount of which will amount to 600 million euros. This was reported by press Secretary of the President Svyatoslav Tsegolko in his Twitter. See also: 600 million Euro or Ukrainian forest. The EU still insist on the lifting of the moratorium on the export of logs “From 3 to […]

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