In Kiev the natives of the Caucasus raced along the sidewalk in the Mercedes and beat the guy for the comment

In Kiev two unknown men in a car beat up a passerby who reprimanded them for driving through the sidewalk. The incident occurred on the evening of December 14 in Solomenskiy district, Povitroflotskyi Avenue. “I asked the driver who was driving on the sidewalk and signaled me to be careful. For this he was beaten. Tried to escape the scene and ran at me, dragging me kilometre on the bonnet at speed. Miraculously survived after falling from the hood” – […]

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In Kiev, the pensioner jumped out the window of the 5th floor, so as not to be a burden

In Kiev on Borshchagovka pensioner committed suicideby jumping from the window on the 5th floor. This was reported by “Guardians.Espresso”. As told by the neighbors, 80-year-old woman for about six months lived in the apartment of the son who looked after her. According to unconfirmed reports, the cause of suicide is the health status of the deceased, a pensioner could have taken his own life, not to be a burden to my son. Now on the scene working law enforcement […]

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In Kiev, the barge with sand almost demolished footbridge activist

In Kiev, the loaded sand barge rammed the pedestrian bridge at the hem. About this on his page in Facebook said the activist of “Automaidan” Alexey Gritsenko (the son of the politician Anatoly Gritsenko). “And you know, the citizens that the day before yesterday we almost lost a pedestrian bridge? The barge, fully loaded with sand, struck a stone embankment around the support. Well, that blow was not very strong,” he wrote. According to Gritsenko, previously it was found that […]

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Wreckage of cars and victims in Kiev was a large-scale accident

In Kiev, prospect General Vatutin has occurred a large road accident with victims. About it reports in Facebook. Fotoreportaj from the scene of large-scale accidents with victims in Kyiv on Vatutina St. City. In the beginning faced #BMW #Renault. … Posted 14 grudnia 2017 R. First faced BMW and Renault. The police arrived and began to arrange an accident. Then the tow truck at full speed crashed into a Mercedes on the European register. Injuries to two people […]

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Main Christmas tree of Ukraine was put in order and started to decorate

The main Christmas tree of Ukraine was put in order and already started to decorate. This is stated in the story TSN.19.30. Video settings the capital began to decorate the Christmas tree TSN. Pdsmi day Today, 01:28 Facebook VKontakte Google+ Twitter Viber At St. Sophia square chrezvychainyi with a 30-metre tower installed on the top of the Christmas tree the Christmas star. The ornament was produced especially for the current record tree – together design with a height of almost […]

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