About 150 pieces of equipment now to save the capital from the snow

In connection with deterioration of weather conditions, the city public utilities went on the road to deal with storm, says “kievavtodor.” It is noted that now on the streets is 134 units of special equipment, manufacturing roads and sidewalks with special materials. In addition, 238 members of the 36 teams of restoring order near the approaches to surface and underground pedestrian crossings, public transport stops and sidewalks. ”Employees dorozhno-the operational enterprises of the Corporation and the controllers of the Central […]

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Activists of the “March for impeachment” after the rally on the Maidan went to jail to support Saakashvili

The organizers of the”March for impeachment” has completed the rally on Maidan Nezalezhnosti and began to move in the direction of prison in the Askold lane to support Mikheil Saakashvili, writes UNIAN. It is noted that this was the scene on independence, said one of the leaders of the party “new force Movement” David Sakvarelidze. “At the end of our meeting we invite everyone to go to SBU to and we had a lot Misha heard that he’s not alone,” […]

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The interior Ministry said how many law enforcement officers were guarding a “March for impeachment” in Kiev

During the March in Central Kiev for the adoption of the law of impeachment in the following order about 1 thousand police officers and servicemen of National guard of Ukraine. This was reported in the Ministry of internal Affairs, according to which, the action took place without violations, the UNIAN reports. See also: The wife of Saakashvili at a rally in Kiev said that the government “crossed the red line” Referring to the preliminary data, the interior Ministry reported that […]

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In Kiev drunk pedestrian ran across the road: one car missed it, a the VAZ – moved a young girl

In Kiev on the Big Ring, near the intersection with the street Kurbas occurred a terrible traffic accidentthat killed girl The driver of the SUV Great Wall M4 was moving with the permitted speed on the Ring road from zhulyanskogo overpass in the direction of Victory Avenue, suddenly on the road jumped the guy with the girl who tried to cross the road, reports espresso. See also: In Kiev, a woman was killed in an accident, receiving a terrible head […]

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Near Boyarka faced Renault and Opel drivers was badly damaged

Away from Boyarka, Kyiv region there was a serious frontal accident with victims. It is reported dtp.kiev.ua. See also: Near Kiev the pedestrian died under the wheels of cars Cars Renault and Opel was moving in the opposite direction. Opel left on a strip of oncoming traffic and a forehead in a forehead has faced with Renault. After a collision in the Opel caught fire. A female driver was hospitalized with multiple injuries. See also: In Kiev, a woman was […]

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