Coalition and ex-regionals: Parubiy commented on the possibility of a rematch in Ukrainian politics

Situational coalition in the Verkhovna Rada, when key laws are not the votes of the majority of the Bloc Poroshenko and “popular front”, but only with the assistance of “opposition bloc” and other former regions is a common practice. Such opinion in interview to the Ukrainian journalists said the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Andrew Parubiy. What unites ideological opponents, and if possible revenge in Ukrainian politics – about this and not just look at “1+1” after the movie “Kill […]

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A significant step for the implementation of Minsk agreements – foreign Minister of Germany on the exchange of hostages

Foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, believes the exchange of hostages between the rebels and the Ukrainian authorities essential step for the implementation of the Minsk agreements. “This is a significant step for the implementation of the Minsk agreements, which we and our French partners strongly supported in the framework of the “Norman format”, – quotes DW German Minister. VideoCAM were two stages of liberation of the Ukrainian prisoners from the “LNR” and “DNR” The liberation of Ukrainian prisoners of […]

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SAP not found the evidence in the case of the Deputy Dovgy and shut down production

Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office closed the case against the Deputy group “people’s Will” Oles Dovgy, who was suspected of involvement in the illegal transfer of land. On this edition of “UE” said the Prosecutor’s office. It is noted that the reason for this was the insufficient number of collected evidence against Dovgy. It is known that in mid-December, the Prosecutor General did not see corpus delicti in the case of Oles Dovgiy, therefore, the position of law enforcement has changed. […]

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Transparency International said Poroshenko on the flaws in the bill about anti-corruption court

Public organization Transparency International (TI) Ukraine criticized a bill (No. 7440) Higher anti-corruption court, which has contributed to the Verkhovna Rada by the President of Ukraine. This is stated in the statement of the organization, which refer to the conclusions of the Venice Commission. “There is reasonable doubt that in the case of the adoption of the draft Law of Ukraine No. 7440 “On Higher anti-corruption court,” he will allow an independent and unbiased selection of judges and to ensure […]

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Yanukovych threatened in Russia – lawyer President-the fugitive

The lawyer of the President of the fugitive Viktor Yanukovych Vitaliy Serdyuk believes that his client is in danger, even in Russia. He told this to reporters during a meeting of the Obolonsky court in the case of treason, transfers “112 Ukraine”. “The risk to the client, including, and in Russia, as the current government and Prosecutor General’s office has not made any steps to investigate the case about the attempt on the life of Yanukovych, did not make any […]

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