Russia is building a fence on the border with Ukraine to deter deserters from the Donbass

Russia is building a fence on the border with Ukraine to deter deserters from the Donbass

© Reuters

The border also pulled the military units of the armed forces.

Russia began to prepare for an influx of deserters from the Donbass.

This was stated by the speaker of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine on ATO, Colonel Alexander Motuzyanik.

“In the area of the checkpoint “Izvarino” in the occupied territory from the Russian side constructed engineered barriers”, he said.

According to Motuzyanik, also along this stretch of the Ukrainian-Russian border were deployed units of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation.

“These measures are aimed at combating desertion in the ranks of the Russian occupation troops,” – said the Colonel.

Earlier, two Russian officers punished for desertion of the militants. The militants with weapons left the forefront.

