The anniversary of the revolution of Dignity in Kiev will restrict traffic and change the schedule of the subway

The anniversary of the revolution of Dignity in Kiev will restrict traffic and change the schedule of the subway
© Reuters
21 November celebrated the third anniversary of the Revolution.
Monday, 21 November, in Kiev will change the timetable of some metro stations and curtail the movement of land passenger transport.
These changes are associated with the planned activities for the third anniversary of the revolution of Dignity, UNIAN reports.
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Thus, to avoid the crowds plan to close the entrance and exit of metro station “Khreshchatyk” on Institutskaya street.
With regard to land transport, from six in the morning of 21 November and to the end of the event will be closed to traffic on:
- St. Khreshchatyk (the area from vul. B. of Khmelnytskyi to the house № 3 on the street),
- St. Mikhailovskaya (in the area from downtown to the intersection with Church),
- street Architect Gorodetsky,
- St. Olginskaya,
- building Institute (on a site from Avenue of Heroes of the Heavenly hundred to number 13/14 on the street).
At the same time can limit or block the movement of cars by:
- St. Lavra (in the interval from the square of Glory up to tsitadelnaya str),
- St. Citadel (on a site from street to street Lavra Leipzig),
- St. Lavra,
- St. Bankova street (from Instytutska street to Prorizna street),
- St. kruglouniversitetskaya (on the segment from the house number on the street kruglouniversitetskaya 11/19 to St Lutheran),
- St. Lutheran (on a site from street to street kruglouniversitetskaya),
- St. St. (on a site from street Lutheran up the street),
- building Institute (in the area from Sadovaya St. to mulberry St.),
- St. M. Hrushevsky (from Sadovaya St. to St. Serf).
Also changes can make to the work of the public transport routes, a movement which passes the specified streets.
Recall, 21 November celebrated the third anniversary of the revolution of Dignity. So, in Kiev and other settlements of Ukraine will be held memorial, ceremonial, and cultural-artistic events with the participation of representatives from government, public and youth associations, as well as clergy.