MPs, I want to remove the immunity, denies tax evasion charges

People’s deputies Vyacheslav Konstantinovsky and Nestor Shufrych from which you want to remove the immunity for tax evasion, I think the initiative of the Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko PR.

They reported about it to the Ukrainian truth.

“I’m just funny to hear it. This is pure PR. Don’t understand why these people chose. Before I myself wrote in NABOO and NACP to have it checked out. Now, no one even asked nothing. I just opened the Internet and saw. No subpoenas had not occurred, no,” said Constantine.

The Shufrych also rejected accusations of Lutsenko.

“All requests that come from the IRS, we were processed and were transferred to satisfactory answers. The latest data was updated today. Absolutely unknown to us, on the basis of which the Prosecutor General’s office made the following conclusions,” according to his press service.

Shufrych promised to pay these taxes, if it is proved that its auditors and lawyers miscalculated his income.

“I declared a little over 40 mln UAH of revenue, and we absolutely do not understand how one can count 40 million UAH of unpaid taxes,” – said the MP.

See also:

The GPU require an unscheduled test, e-Declaration, 29 MPs

Recall that the GPU wants the removal of immunity of three MPs for tax evasion. “Finally we got a response from DFS about the conducted spot checks of three deputies out of 17 shows, in respect of which tax evasion respectively 60, 50 and 40 million hryvnia,” – said the Prosecutor General Lutsenko.

“The scenarios are two. The first – the Verkhovna Rada authorizes the criminal prosecution, which includes up to 3 years in prison, or these deputies are paid respectively 50, 60, and 40 million UAH, than the article 212 is exhausted”, – he said.

Later it became known that we are talking about Suprunenko, Constantine and Shufrych.

