Rada supported the law on language quotas on TV

Today, may 23, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine voted for the Draft Law on amendments to some laws of Ukraine concerning the language of audiovisual (electronic) mass media”, which establishes language quotas.
The project has collected 269 approving votes of MPs.
According to the law, the proportion of TV programs and films in the Ukrainian language in television and radio broadcasting shall be not less than 75% during the day. And in the daytime (from 7 to 18) and in the evening (18-22) esters.
For local and regional broadcasters the share of Ukrainian language should be at least 50%.
The news of 75% should go in the Ukrainian language. The transfer is considered in the Ukrainian language, if all the leading performances made exclusively in the Ukrainian language. At the same time allowed the use of speakers of other languages, or music, if they are not accompanied by reviews of the speakers.
The draft Law on amendments to some laws of Ukraine concerning the language of audiovisual (electronic) mass media (second reading) (presented 23.05.2017) from tsnua
We will remind, on March 16 during a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada the people’s deputies in the first reading adopted secoproject, which provides for the increase of quotas of the Ukrainian language in the audiovisual media.
The purpose of the bill is to strengthen legal safeguards in the implementation of broadcasting, in particular, the establishment of a compulsory share of television programs, including news broadcasts in the Ukrainian language during the day.