The court refused to charge Nasirov bail of 100 million hryvnia

Solomensky regional court of Kiev refused to pay to the budget a pledge of the ousted President of the SFS of the Roman Nasirov.
It is reported by TSN.
A petition was filed by the prosecution.
We will remind, Nasirov is suspected of abuse of office and embezzlement of public funds in the amount of over UAH 2 bn. The consequence considers that Nasirov, acting in the interests of the Deputy Onishchenko, under the “gas case” is groundless, provided the number of enterprises the possibility of tax liabilities in installments.
The Solomensky district court of Kiev made the decision to extend the measure Novel Nasirova for 2 months. Protection Nasirov, but, asked to soften the constraints and to give him permission to move freely and travel abroad.
Dismissed the head of GFS released on bail in the amount of UAH 100 million. Money for him was made by his wife Catherine Klimovska. Answering the question of where the money Nasirov said that, they say, would be better if he sat in the detention facility and argued his guilt.