To update the fleet marine ports plan to invest 5 billion hryvnia

During the years 2017-2021 the Administration of seaports of Ukraine plans to upgrade fleet to almost 5 billion UAH.
This was stated by the head of fleet AMPU Gennady Garas, introducing the appropriate program in the American chamber of Commerce, reports “Interfax-Ukraine”.
Over 2.25 billion UAH you want to purchase the icebreaker to the port of Mariupol, over 930 million UAH – samootvod for dredger “Delta-Pilot”, for 50 million UAH – propelled oil barges for the port “Ishmael”, for 20 million UAH – boat for “the Delta-the Pilot”, for 400 million UAH – gruntovedenie two self-propelled barges over 700 million UAH – seven multipurpose ships for the seven ports over UAH 450 mln six pilot boats for the “Delta-Pilot”, for 150 million UAH – tow to port “Ishmael”.
13 sea ports, which are subordinated to ASD, there are 126 eight vessels of various types. Most of them is on balance of branch “Delta-Pilot” – 31, the smallest – in Skadovsk port – three. Many of them already have a great life, is also a lack of dredgers for dredging, there are difficulties with the fuel storage and bunkering of ships in the Danube region, not enough tugs for ice-breakers.
Video settings Nikolaev protesting against the fact that sea port resets the soil in the waters of the beach
TSN. Wounds
2 Jun, 08:32