Lutsenko announced the completion of the investigation of the shootings on the Maidan until the end of the year

The investigation of the shootings on the Maidan can be completed before the end of the year.

This was stated by Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko, writes “Radio Freedom”.

“A team of prosecutors and investigators report to me about readiness in the fourth quarter of this year to finish the investigation of the shootings on the Maidan. Tragic pages 18, 19, 20, 21st (February – ed.) now find their legal assessment in the revised suspicion. It has been done. And the next steps in the examination and indictment. By the fourth quarter we will do, and this might be the most important to restore justice in our country decisions,” says Lutsenko.

See also:

The case of the Maidan: ex-Berkut officers declared an indefinite hunger strike – lawyer

The Department of special investigation General Prosecutor’s office of Ukraine has completed the collection of evidence about the involvement of one of the leaders of the Metropolitan riot police to crimes on the Maidan. Documents already submitted to the court.

As the press service of the Prosecutor General, during the revolution of Dignity this law served as a Deputy platoon commander of one of the mouth the operational units of special police “Berkut”. He appeared in the case about the beating of students on the night of 30 November 2013.

Videological of the deceased on the Maidan Mikhail Zhiznevsky received from Poroshenko Star Hero

TSN. 16:45

June 13, 17:21

