The community of Kiev finally returned to the square hundreds of Heaven

The Supreme economic court finally returned to the square of Heavenly hundreds , the community of Kiev.

It is reported by the KSCA.

In particular, on Tuesday, August 2, this court upheld the decision of economic courts of the previous instances in which plots of the square returned in the property of Kiev.

Thus, the court rejected the complaint of the representative of the developer on the grounds of lack of proof and groundlessness.

See also:

In Kiev, the square of Heavenly hundred gave for building illegally – examination

We will remind, the court of Appeal upheld the return of the square of Heavenly hundred in the state. May 23, Kyiv economic court of appeal upheld the decision of the Economic court of Kyiv on the return of the land on which is located the square, public property. Reports a press about it-service of Prosecutor’s office of Kyiv.

This site is located in the historical part of the city, within the State historical-architectural reserve “Ancient Kiev”, so the construction without special needs is prohibited.

Video settings the capital officially appeared the square of Heavenly hundred

TSN. Wounds

September 25, 2015, 13:23

