In KSCA boasted average salaries in Kiev

In Kyiv city state administration has calculated the consumer price index, the level of communal payments, salaries of residents and other economic indicators. Some of the figures named first Deputy Chairman of Kyiv city state administration Gennady FPGA.

According to him, the average monthly wages of staff in the capital increased by 30.4% when compared with the middle of last year. It is 10.4 thousand. This figure is significantly higher than the Ukrainian – 6,6 thousand.

Video settings looking average salary: what is the real Ukrainians earn

Snidanok 1+1

24 Jul, 08:04

“The index of consumer prices, says the official, amounted to 108.6% in comparison with December 2016 (in Ukraine – 107,9%). The increase occurred in almost all groups of goods and services, mainly due to seasonal price fluctuations for fruit and vegetables (a price increase of 63.8% and 78,5%, respectively) rise in price of fuel and oil by 4.6%, water supply and electricity 23.4% and 28.1% respectively”, – the press-service of city administration.

In the capital also rose by one third the volume of freight and passengers. Optimistic looks also figure calculations of the population for housing and communal services – 107.5% compared with the beginning of the year (compared to 88.5 per cent in the whole country). As explained officials, this is due to the repayment of Kiev debt of the previous periods.

