MP, Rosenblatt two months will wear an electronic bracelet, the court extended the measure of restraint

MP Boryslav Rozenblat another two months, until 17 October, will wear special eletronic bracelet and will be limited in movement – it is forbidden to leave determined in the court of the place of residence without the permission of the investigator.

Prosecutors assured the court that Rosenblatt may leave the territory of Ukraine, because he has property on the territory of Germany. About it reports “5 channel”.

“Borislav S., according to his Declaration and testimony, has property in another state. The State Of The Federal Republic Of Germany. Accordingly, the value of the property, it allows for hassle-free existence in the territory of another state”, – said the Prosecutor of the Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office Maxim Kravchenko.

Rosenblatt convinced, saying that even without a bracelet is not going to run. All charges of bribery rejects.

“Today I am ready to your any decision. I am here and will defend their honor and dignity, I was not brought to trial, never gave and took bribes”, – urged on the court the MP.

Videosamy million bail imposed by the court to the people’s Deputy Borislav Rosenblatt

TSN. Wounds

19 Jul, 09:39

We will remind, in June the National anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine opened the scheme for the extraction of amber, which involved the people’s deputies Rosenblatt and Poles. Under the guise of restoration in the Zhytomyr region planned actual amber extraction and subsequent implementation through an offshore company where the founder was the sister of Rosenblatt.

The amount of bribes received in the case – more than 300 thousand UAH. On June 19, detectives NAB arrested the security guard of MP, which was still in the “Block of Petro Poroshenko”, Borislav Rosenblatt during receiving a bribe of 200 thousand dollars.

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