More than half of Ukrainians support early parliamentary elections – poll
51% of Ukrainians support early elections to the Verkhovna Rada.
This is evidenced by the sociological survey conducted by GfK Ukraine together with Center for Insights in Survey Research.
According to the survey, 28% of respondents definitely support early parliamentary elections, 23% answered “rather Yes” to the question regarding the elections.
See also:
Ukrainians do not trust Parliament and politicians more sympathetic to Tymoshenko and Hrytsenko – poll
19% of respondents are rather against early voting and 20% certainly oppose (39%)
Another 11% of respondents reported that it was difficult to answer this question.
Interestingly, in June last year, the number of Ukrainians who support early elections to the Rada, was lower, at 38%. Opponents of the extraordinary vote in the Parliament was 47%.
See also:
Who would have voted Ukrainians, if elections were held next week – poll
The survey was conducted on the entire territory of Ukraine (except for occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas) from 9 June to 7 July 2017. In the sociological survey involved 2,400 respondents. The error does not exceed 1.7 percent.
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