26 dead and 12 wounded children: the UN published information regarding civilian victims in the Donbass

This year, in the period from 16 may to 15 August 2017, the UN has recorded 161 civilian victim affected by the conflict in the Donbas. This is stated in the nineteenth report of the office of the UN high Commissioner for human rights (OHCHR) on the situation of human rights in Ukraine. Among them is 26 dead (11 women and 15 men) and 135 wounded (74 men, 46 women, 9 boys, 3 girls). This is 16% less than in […]

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The UN has called the shocking number of dead and wounded since the conflict began in the Donbass

From 14 April 2014 until 15 August 2017, the UN office for human rights documented 34 766 victims in the Donbass, among them military, civilian and members of armed groups. This is stated in the report on the situation of human rights in Ukraine. See also: In the Donetsk region, two women blown up with explosives – OSCE It is noted that during this period, 10 were killed 225 people and injured 24 541. For the entire period of the […]

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Putin agreed on the deployment of peacekeepers in all areas of Donbass

Russian President Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel. This reports the press service of Putin. It is noted that during the conversation he discussed the Russian initiative on the establishment of the UN mission to promote the protection of the Special monitoring mission to Ukraine (OSCE SMM). Given Merkel expressed the reasons he stated about the readiness to complement the role of peacekeepers, proposed in the Russian draft resolution of the UN security […]

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Ukraine plans to raise the issue of the sentence Chilgoza in the Council of Europe

Eight years of strict regime. The court in the occupied Crimea announced the sentence to Akhtem Chigos. Deputy Chairman of the Majlis of the Russian government was accused of organizing mass riots. The court fully supported the request of prosecutors, who demanded to Chiygoza eight years. One of the leaders of the Crimean Tatars were detained two and a half years ago for participating in a rally in support of the territorial integrity of Ukraine in February 2014. The participants […]

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