In the GPU told what measure of restraint will ask for Sakvarelidze

Prosecutors will ask the court about the election of former Deputy Prosecutor General, member of the political Council of the party “new force Movement” David Sakvarelidze a preventive measure in the form of personal commitments.
About it reported in management of public relations and mass media of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.
Videodavid Sakvarelidze accused from article 3 in the case of breaking the boundaries in paragraph shehyni
TSN. 16:45
Yesterday, 17:14
“At the trial the Prosecutor intends to request the Galitsky district court to elect to D. Sakvarelidze most softer measure of restraint – the personal obligation”, – stated in the message.
Also, the Prosecutor said that the meeting will be held on Monday, September 18, at 09.30.
In addition, it is noted that after the trial Sakvarelidze invited for questioning for questioning.
On the eve of 14 September, in Lviv, law enforcement officers reported about suspicion Sakvarelidze in the transportation Mikheil Saakashvili across the border.
Recall, September 10, Saakashvili, who was deprived of Ukrainian citizenship, entered the territory of Ukraine through KP “shehyni” that in Lviv region, although I was going to make it through KP “Krakovets” in the same region. To the border he got a bus.
At first he tried to cross the border by train intercity “Przemysl – Kyiv”, but he was detained through the “person who has no grounds for entry into Ukraine“.
With the help of the supporters of Mikheil Saakashvili arrived to Ukraine. The border service will appeal to the courtto fix the violation of the border by the policy under article 204 Article (Illegal crossing or attempt of illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine).
Guards 10 and 11 policemen were injured at the checkpoint as a result of the breakthrough. The police in Lviv region opened criminal proceedings on the fact of breaking the boundaries of article 332 (illegal transportation of persons through the state border of Ukraine) of the criminal code of Ukraine. Also the incident is being investigated under the article “About the resistance to law enforcement officers during the execution of their duties”.