In Britain the geography of Crimea to finish Russia

In the UK in the geography occupied Crimea portrayed as part of Russia.

About this Facebook writes blogger Anton Hoja.

See also:

The Italian magazine has caused outrage of the Ukrainian foreign Ministry, depicting Crimea in Russia

“Oh, and then zrady srednei ride. Straight knife stuck in the back of us Anglo-Saxons… Is a textbook on geography. Officially released”, – he signed photo.

In particular, the photo of the textbook Crimea is shown as Russian territory, and also explains why it happened.

Oh, and here infidelity sredno ride. Straight knife stuck in the back of us Anglo-Saxons. Fucking Oxford Press. This is a tutorial on …

Published by the Anton Hojou October 6, 2017

“Crimea is officially part of Ukraine. However, in 2014 the local people (mostly ethnic Russians) voted for joining the Peninsula to Russia”, – said in the text of the textbook.

The textbook was published by Oxford univercity press, under the University.

Earlier, an Italian TV company World Fashion Channel Europa S. R. L. on its website published a map, where the annexed Crimea related to Russia.

