“Marina, you’re the best cook”. Poroshenko on the camera I enjoyed the soup of C’s military

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko today, 12 October, in Kiev together with representatives of mass-media tried new diet for the Ukrainian military.
Before guarantor and journalists prepared a variety of dishes, which will now have Ukrainian soldiers. Among them was a soup of C’s. First tried it Poroshenko.
“Start with the soup. Given that it’s from the C’s – the taste of soup,” – he said, eating a spoonful.
See also:
Poltorak approved a new tasty part of the C’s for the military
In response, the reporter said that the wife the guarantor, the soup apparently still delicious.
“Marina, do you hear? You’re the best cook,” – said Poroshenko.
Videoporoshenko journalists tried a new military suhpai
Today, 17:48
According to him, no army in the world today did not use the first meals dry rations for the military – Ukraine became the first.
“I think it was our shared opinion that is very high quality and tasty (the power of the new sample – Ed.). I believe that this brand new generation of military power, the new generation of flea and food security will be a new generation of medical software. And after the introduction of defence technology, will be a new generation and armed security. This is a clear demonstration of the fact that our army is radically different. But, first and foremost, we have a unique warrior-patriot. More efficient and bold, to whom honor and respect”, – concluded the guarantor.
Earlier it was reported that in zone ATO in Eastern Ukraine will be sent to the party’s new dry daily dietmade according to international standards. It includes first and second courses of many kinds, which can be heated without the use of fire.