The foreign Ministry of Ukraine outraged by the extension of the detention of Ukrainian Mushroom in Russia

The foreign Ministry expresses its decisive protest in connection with the decision of October district court of Krasnodar of the Russian Federation to extend until January 4, 2018 term of detention of the detainee and moved illegally to the Russian Federation of a citizen of Ukraine Pavel Mushroom.
This is stated on the Agency’s website.
“Baseless content of the Fungus in custody in pre-trial detention in Krasnodar on trumped-up charges is another evidence of the political nature of the case”, – said the Ukrainian diplomats.
The demonstrative refusal of the survey of the health of the Fungus Ukrainian doctors on the implementation of the decisions of the European court of human rights and inhumane attitude towards him, laying full responsibility for the life and health of Ukrainians on the Russian side.
See also:
The Ukrainian Mushroom allowed the consuls, but still not allowed to meet with doctors
Videorenderer court extended the arrest of Ukrainian Pavel Mushroom
TSN. 16:45
Yesterday, 17:15
“Ukraine’s foreign Ministry demands the immediate release of Paul of the Fungus and encourages the international community, human rights organizations to condemn brutal treatment of the Russian side illegally detained Ukrainian Mushroom and increase pressure on the Russian Federation for his dismissal,” – noted in the Ukrainian Ministry.
Earlier it was reported that it withheld in the Krasnodar SIZO Ukrainian Pavel Mushroom did not let Ukrainian doctors, who went to Russia. As told to TSN Paul’s father Igor Grib, Russia refuses to explain the reasons for the refusal.
The guy from childhood has a disability, therefore, no need of medicines may end fatally for him.
We will remind, the Fungus disappeared in September in the Belarusian Gomel: according to his parents, he was detained by the FSB. In Belarus he left on August 24 to meet up with a girl who lives in Russia, whom he met through the Internet. 17-year-old resident of the city of Sochi in an interview with TSN admittedthat actually invited a guy to Belarus. Forced her to do it the FSB of Russia, because she is also under investigation.
The police of the city of Gomel father reported that his son was wanted for terrorist activities. On 7 September it became known that the Fungus is in jail in the Russian city of Krasnodar. The court arrested the Mushroom. Lawyer Andrei Sabinin said that the guy charged under article 205.1 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Assistance of terrorist activity”).