A leading French economist said, which countries suffer most from economic inequality

The famous French economist Tom Piketty has published a report “About economic inequality in the world.” About it, December 14, reports the edition Republic.
According to the study, economic inequality in income is very different in different regions of the world. For example, in the middle East, the difference is: 10% of the population with the highest earnings received 61% of national income. The smaller figure in the United States – 47%, Russia – 46% China – 41%. Europe is kept at around 37%. Despite this, the disparity grows every year in every region of the world, because the results of each country affect the overall statistics.
But private entrepreneurs have become rich, and governments poorer, the report said. A pure private property around the world has increased in 2-3 times, despite the financial crisis of 2008. Public property in the world, at the same time, declined from 70% to 20%. Such processes are affected by the transition to capitalist relations.
Overall, scientists believe that the reduction of existing trends in the world, as is happening in Europe in recent decades, will help to reduce the level of poverty in the world.
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The authors suggest several ways to combat economic inequality.
First, is the development of progressive taxation. As the scientists write, this method needed not only for tax increases for the population, but also for braking of the income of the richest layers.
Second, is the creation of a registry of financial assets. Therefore, checks will be carried out for the owners investment. This will prevent tax evasion, the report said.
Thirdly, according to members of the “laboratory of inequality”, it is important to ensure all segments of population with affordable education and the opportunity to occupy well-paid positions.
The authors conclude that to combat inequality in the world should join governments. Thus, they will save the economy from the increasing difference between rich and poor segments of the population.
The researchers said: “We wanted to fill the democratic gap and to present facts for debate on issues of inequality.”
Next year, Ukraine promised to raise social standards. The Verkhovna Rada adopted the state budget for 2018. Officials predict a decrease in unemployment and increase in GDP.
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