Thanks to the warm winter and high reserves of Ukraine reduced the import of gas

Warm winter 2017-2018 helped Ukraine to save the reserves of gas. Now it is a quarter more in storage than last year. At the same time reduced the volume of gas purchases abroad.
Ukraine in the first week of January 2018 and reduced the average daily natural gas imports by 16.2% compared to December last year from 30.8 million cubic meters to 25.8 million cubic meters this is evidenced by the “Ukrtransgaz”, reports “Interfax-Ukraine”.
The average daily import in December, 29.8% (13.1 million cubic meters) less than the same indicator for November (43,9 million cubic meters). This is due to the warm weather and high stocks in underground storage facilities.
The average daily imports in November 2016 amounted to 51.6 million cubic metres in December 2016 – 53.5 million cube m, 1-7 January 2017 is 48.1 million cubic meters.
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Recovery from default. That means the winning of “Naftogaz” in court against “Gazprom”
Note that the gas reserves in underground storage facilities now make up 14.4 billion cubic meters. This is 15.1% (2.5 billion cubic meters) less than in the beginning of the heating season, which started on October 24.
7 January 2017 gas reserves stood at 11 billion 539,31 million cubic meters (25% less than now) in 2016 13 billion 107,83 million cubic meters (10% less than now), in 2015 – 10 billion 884,82 million cubic metres (32.5% less than now).
Recall that in 2017 Ukraine increased natural gas import by 26.8% (2 billion 971,7 million cubic meters) compared with the year 2016 – up to 14 billion 50.1 million cubic meters. including from Slovakia to 2017 received 9 billion 910,1 million cubic meters of gas to Hungary – 2 billion 834,7 million cubic meters, Poland – 1 billion 305,3 million cubic meters.
At the same time Ukraine for more than two years (from November 26 2015) does not import natural gas under the contract with JSC “Gazprom”, purchasing online exclusively on its Western border.
Videotekhniki, the Tribunal rejected the claim of “Gazprom” to “Naftogaz” tens of billions of dollars
The Russian monopolist was trying to recover from the Ukraine tens of billions of dollars of lost profits under the contract on gas supplies, signed in 2009. The court rejected the requirement to pay 56 billion dollars in bonded condition of the contract “take or pay” for the last 8 years. Naftogaz hopes to win a lawsuit and force Gazprom to pay for gas transit Ukraine $ 16 billion.
TSN. 19:30
22 December 2017, 20:10
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