Not near the monument to Vladimir: Ukrainian scientists urged Poroshenko to transfer the celebration of the baptism of Rus

Scientists urge the President to postpone the celebration of the anniversary of Baptism of Ukraine-Rus from the monument to Vladimir the Postal area. This is stated in the story TSN.19.30.

Videogenie call of the President of Ukraine to postpone the celebration of the anniversary of the baptism of Rus

They insist that the place of celebration of the anniversary should become a Postal area. The resolution was supported by the participants of the round table, which brought together historians, archaeologists and theologians. After all, it was at the postal square of the capital, according to scientists, Prince Vladimir christened inhabitants of Kiev in the river pochayna. This is evidenced by archaeological finds and documentary evidence.

TSN. 19:30

Yesterday, 20:56

The resolution was supported by the participants of the “round table”, which was attended by historians, archaeologists and theologians. According to scientists, the Postal square of the capital, Prince Vladimir christened inhabitants of Kiev in the river Pochaina. This is evidenced by archaeological finds and documentary evidence.

However, now there is ongoing construction of a shopping center that threatens to bury ancient artifacts. Two years ago, at a depth of five meters, archaeologists found several structures which were used as waterworks.

Most likely, it was the gateways between the Dnieper and the mouth of the river Pochaina. To confirm their assumptions, archaeologists plan to continue the study, but now the works are frozen.

  • Kiev
  • the baptism of Rus
  • scientists
  • archaeologists
  • postal area

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