Avakov has promised to “kill” the candidacy of Manko to public service in agreeing to MIA

In the competition for the position of head of the state service for veterans and ATO participants won a defendant in a criminal case for robbery Valentin Manko. The Volunteers themselves are outraged by this and require Cabinet to hold a new competition, according to a story TSN.19:30.
The former commander of the 90th battalion with the call sign “Biba” and he was a participant, but is indignant that the staff was still unknown, and public hearings were conducted. “Were worthy candidates, which knows all Ukraine, and they were not. I think still was some agreement,” – said the Chairman of the all-Ukrainian Union of combatants Anatoly slivinsky.
Videogenie outraged by the newly elected Chairman of service for veterans and participants of ATO
The competition was won by the defendant in a criminal case for robbery – Valentin Manko. Veterans of the ATO require the Cabinet to hold a new competition. Correspondence with Kononenko, spicy debt and the reaction of veterans of the ATO to win Valentine Manka – TSN.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:13
The volunteers say that three years ago, Manko has impersonated another person and promised to help bring the “cyborgs” from the airport to the moment when the fate of a dozen fighters, but only caught myself weight, but promises are not fulfilled. “My attitude towards him harshly negative. He was posing as a Deputy commander of “Dnepr-1″. In fact, he did not the he has promised, and then did not appear,” – said the famous volunteer and Advisor to the President Yury Biryukov.
In the Commission argue that he acted according to the law, Manko is still waiting for a special test that will show if he can hold the position. If the answer is negative, then announce a new contest. “Candidate test, nine entities, ranging from NAPC and security service and the Ministry of defence and the interior Ministry”, – said the Chairman of the National Agency of Ukraine on civil service Kostiantyn Vashchenko. The Minister of internal Affairs Arsen Avakov has already promised that the checks in his office, Manko does not take place. “I categorically deny it. We shall announce another competition. I think there’s a mistake,” he said.
See also:
The civil service of veterans Affairs and the Volunteers was headed by the accused of rosbe and scandal Kononenko
Now Manko head of the public organization “the Union of patriots of Ukraine”, but to the address specified on its website, assured that such an organization is not there for six months, and the phone number of this structure not responding. About Manko know that he was a businessman, worked in the tax, ran twice for Parliament and was the Deputy of regional Council from Party of regions. Subsequently, he became Deputy commander of the “Right sector” in 2015, against it criminal case for robbery, he testified against the then leader of the party “Dill” Gennady Korban and it suddenly shut down. Correspondence Manko close to the President Deputy Ihor Kononenko then published the people’s Deputy Andrey Denisenko. And Manko has a duty to the sister of a Korban – it took her 10 thousand dollars for a boob job for his wife Valeria and the money is not returned.
Communication with the press man avoids, although I took active part in political talk-shows and promotions. “I don’t see the dirt. Don’t want to give comments to the appointment,” he explained.
The TSN reporter Valeria Kovalinskaya
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