A dozen defendants, “the Kremlin list” of the USA have business in Ukraine

New American the sanctions list of Russian oligarchs has valid business with assets in Ukraine. Every tenth of them at this point has an active business in Ukraine, and one in three had sold off its Ukrainian assets during or after the revolution of dignity, says the story TSN.19:30.
Vagit Alekperov had in Ukraine, a network of gas stations “LUKOIL”, which after independence became filling AMC. Oleg Deripaska in Ukraine belongs to many companies: for example, the service center “metallurg” and the Nikolaev aluminous plant. Eugene Kaspersky, the author of the anti-virus program that recently disgraced because of the connection with the FSB, in Ukraine, sells its products through a network of intermediaries.
Videoresize the oligarchs, who may fall under the sanctions list USA, easy to conduct business in Ukraine
New sanctions list of oligarchs has nine valid businessmen with assets in Ukraine. Us sanctions their business we have not touched. The Ukrainian side has not yet responded to the new sanctions of the United States.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:43
Childhood friends of Putin, the Rotenberg brothers also made in the American sanctions list. In Kiev them bind a large shopping center Ocean Plaza. Vladimir Yevtushenkov owns in Ukraine the telecommunication network, which operates under the brand name Vodafone. Milk “a Marvel” and “Slavyanochka” from Wimm-Bill-Dann also brings hryvnia to the Russian oligarch Gabriel Jushvaeva from the American sanctions list.
See also:
Stovpy mode Putina. Truncated, scho treba znati about fguring “kremlivska the list” United States
Interestingly, in the favor of the States did not get the owners of the eight power companies Babakov, and Voevodin Giner. There is also a Russian businessman with numerous assets in Ukraine Konstantin Grigorishin.
The correspondent TSN Olga Vasilevskaya
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