Terrible marksmanship of the enemy: soldiers told about the features of defense Zaytsevy near Gorlovka

Almost nothing remains of civilian life in the bisected sides of the conflict the village of Zaitseve near Gorlovka. The locals there were left only a few dozen, says the story TSN.19:30.
Between the shelling of heavy weapons and gunfire of the easier people manage to meet its peaceful needs. This happens exactly on schedule: the bread is brought in twice a week, the doctor arrives on Tuesdays for a couple hours. Civil is recommended as seldom as possible appeared in the streets, because the enemy shoots very accurately. “Shot. I bent over scrim, to close. The shot was not audible. And yeah, first in the hole and on the level of the head just where I was standing, it was no accident! I friend saying: come on, you come to the wall,” – said the soldier APU with pseudo “Sailor”.
Videotitle Zaytsevy almost out on the streets and afraid to speak with journalists
Zaytsevo is a step away from the occupied Horlivka right now. Life there is a continuous challenge and a daily struggle. Their homes are increasingly turning into ruins and reminiscent of the scenery for disaster. And from the houses to the enemy positions a few tens of meters.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:05
The horrors of war changed the perception of the inhabitants of Zaytsevy – they don’t want to complain about anything. “We are not going to say anything. Because we will explain, and then we are bombed”, they explain. Military agree that the possibilities for this occupation there – the streets of the village for terrorists, it’s like a shooting gallery. “They are in a good position. They see and work”, – says the fighter Andrew. “I raised the middle finger showed to him. Not three seconds passed when I hand removed – the shot was of me,” said the fighter with a pseudo “Passat”.
See also:
“Women” from Gorlovka broke the optics of the Ukrainian military in Zaitseve
The position of APU enemy shelled daily from grenade launchers, machine guns and sniper rifles. The enemy is so close that to achieve the goal can even bullets fired from rifles. Silence in these positions always deceiving – it can cut another shots at any time of the day or night. The loss in such circumstances cannot be prevented. “He reached to remove the scrim and there was a queue. We realized that with the ANC, because the sound was such. And then he fell, I began tearing the harnesses, screaming to the guys that came and helped,” – says Yuri about his experiences. Bullets hit the soldier in the leg, the wounded were able to be taken quickly to the hospital. Later from the hospital to the front in the division came the news: the wound was severe, but not fatal.
The correspondent TSN Alexander Motor
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