“For the market to be answered”: Moskal expecting an apology from Suprun, which is obscenely abused
The Chairman of the Transcarpathian regional state administration Gennady Moskal, which is obscenely expressed in the address of the Minister of health Uliana Suprun, to apologize for words not in a hurry.
In particular, he wants first apologized Suprun, said in a statement Moskal posted on his official website.
“My statements comply with current Ukrainian legislation. Thus, paragraph 1 of article 227 of the Civil code of Ukraine specifies: “a natural person, moral rights has been violated due to the spread of incorrect information, has the right to reply and to refute this information.” The code does not reglamentary what should be the response – emotional, neutral, or some other” – said Moskal.
See also:
Groisman requires a public apology in front of the Russian Suprun for gross abuse in her address
He noted that Suprun reported, which touched him personally.
“A refutation of false information by the person who issued the information. Such denials Ms. Suprun, unfortunately, did not. Therefore, my statement at session of regional Council, is the right of reply under paragraph 1 of article 227 of the Civil code of Ukraine…in the words of former Donetsk, “the market it is necessary not only to filter, for the market to be responsible.” And therefore the first to apologize to Ms. Suprun for spreading negative and false information. If her apologies are sincere, then they will from me. If Ms. Suprun silent, be silent I”, – said Moskal.
We will remind, the Chairman of the Transcarpathian regional state administration Gennady Moskal was outraged by the statement of the Minister of health Ulyana Suprun that cure for measles in the area was not cleared properly. At regional Council session the Russian I quoted a statement Suprun, while simultaneously commenting on it. “Look at that Suprun. I cook her the answer that she need a vaccination against stupidity… Yesterday I shared all the news agencies her letter: “There are problems in the Carpathian region, because the local administration, headed by Gennady Moskal, received 8,000 doses from Hungary, but not cleared and brought them contraband”. Although now we are putting custom – all customs cleared. What is that th**chickpeas, I’m sorry” – has reacted sharply Moskal.
Videolocal retorted Suprun on charges of “smuggling” drugs
The head of the Transcarpathian regional state administration Gennady Moskal was outraged by the statement of the Minister of health Ulyana Suprun that cure for measles in the area was not cleared properly. At session of a regional Council Moskal emotionally and profanity commented on the statement Suprun. Video TSN has provided the TV station “Sirius”.
Yesterday, 13:18
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