Ukraine will seek the seizure of assets of “Gazprom” in case of default of the decision of arbitration – Poroshenko

Ukraine will seek the seizure of assets of “Gazprom”, if the Russian monopolist does not pay the debt on the decision of the Stockholm arbitration.
This was during a meeting of the Council of national security and defense, said the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, informs him press-service.
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“Fell to “the gambler”. Klimkin promised to get “Gazprom” for neglect of duty
In particular, Poroshenko addressed to the Chairman of the Board NAK “Naftogaz Ukraine” Andriy KOBOLEV, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko, justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko and Minister of foreign Affairs Pavel Klimkin is urgent to work out a joint action plan in case Gazprom would not carry out the decision of the Stockholm arbitration.
“If “Gazprom” will not pay the money, the NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” needs to seek arrest of assets of “Gazprom” and carry out those decisions. We have enough assets that are involved, such as “Nord stream-2. “Naftogaz of Ukraine” can count on the full support from the state and from the President. This is extremely important,” he said.
According to the President, disrespect for the execution of court decisions is extremely important geopolitical implications.
“The Stockholm arbitration for the second decision in the last year gave a very clear assessment of the gas contracts in 2009. Arbitration could not be on our side. Because both transactions – for the supply of gas, that gas transit has been enslaving for Ukraine”, – said Poroshenko.
He noted that “I would not like to dwell on the question of political responsibility of the Ukrainian signatories of these contracts.”
Video”Gazprom” to compensate for the “Naftogaz of Ukraine” more than $ 4.5 billion
Gas victory for Ukraine in Stockholm. International arbitration ruled that the Russian company should compensate the Ukrainian more than $ 4.5 billion for short-delivered gas for transit from 2009 to 2016. According to the court, part of the money will be credited for gas supplies in 2013 and 2014.
TSN. 12:00
Today, 12:46
“Eradication of corruption in the gas sector, the decades when Ukraine was sitting on the Russian gas needle. And the “lucky” Ukrainians and Russians on both sides of the border, like at the milk river and honey, removed the cream in a form of a corrupt rents,” said Poroshenko.
Earlier, the Stockholm arbitration has obliged Gazprom to pay “Naftogaz of Ukraine” $ 4.63 billion for failure to supply the agreed volumes of gas for transit. Thus, the results of two arbitration of disputes between companies on supply and transit of gas “Gazprom” should pay NAC $ 2.56 billion
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