In Kiev during the liquidation of fire saved 7 people

In Kiev during the liquidation of fire saved 7 people
Today, 01:21
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The fire occurred in the cluttered hallway.
On the evening of 8 April in a 9-storey residential building on St. Vladimir Mayakovsky, 8-A, Desnyanskiy district of the capital, a fire occurred.
About it reports GU gschs of Ukraine in Kiev.
During the liquidation of fire in an apartment house of the Metropolitan firefighters rescued 7 people 8 April at 18:55…
Published Main control gschs Ukraine in Kiev on 8 April, 2018
To the place of incident were immediately directed the rescue of the nearest fire and rescue units. They found that the fire occurred in the cluttered the corridor on the 9th floor with subsequent spread of fire in corridors of the two flats. Later the fire in the area of 10 sq. m was localized and liquidated.
See also:
At Poltava in the fire killed a man and horse were saved
Videomania and real obstacles in the city Mall held a fire exercise
The commotion was this night at the circus. On the contrary he evacuated the shopping center “Ukraine” from a fictional fire. The conditions of the fire made as close to the real one. Really, for example, drivers did not miss the fire trucks and ambulance.
TSN. 16:45
6 APR, 17:04