In the Donbas were injured 11 of the Ukrainian military. Chronicle of the ATO

In the Donbas were injured 11 of the Ukrainian military. Chronicle of the ATO
© Facebook/the press-center of staff ATO
Today, 07:26
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During the day militants have carried out 76 attacks.
For Wednesday, April 25, in the area of ATO in the Donbas the militants 76 times opened fire at positions of the Ukrainian army.
“As a result of enemy fire eight Ukrainian defenders was injured. Three more of our soldiers received a combat injury. Injured soldiers are quickly taken to hospitals and they were given medical help,” reads the summary of the press center of staff ATO.
On Lugansk the direction from jet systems of volley fire and 152 mm artillery, 120-mm mortars and arms of tanks, the militants fired at the Ukrainian fortifications near Novoluganskogo. Also the 152-mm guns and 82-mm mortars – used near Svetlodarsk, 122-mm artillery system, 120-mm and 82-mm mortars and weapons, infantry fighting vehicles under Luhansk and Novgorod, 122-mm artillery in the area Zaytsevy, and 120-mm and 82-mm mortars – near Trinity. In addition, according to the defenders of Novozvanovka was fired from 120-mm mortars, infantry fighting vehicles, rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns, near Novoselovka from the tank, 82-mm mortars, grenade launchers and APCS, and small arms in the area Crimson.
On Donetsk the direction from 120-mm mortars and grenade launchers fired upon the defenders Verhnetoretskogo, the mine Butovka, Water and Gotovogo. Also, mortars caliber 82 mm grenade launchers of various systems and small arms, the militants opened fire on the defenders of the Town from APCS under Talakovka, Bogdanovka and near the mine Butovka, from rocket-propelled grenades – near the stove, from heavy machine guns near Pavlopol, Gotovogo, Glorious, Krasnogorovka, Nevel, Verhnetoretskogo and Sand, and from small arms – defenders of Shirokino, lebedinskoye, Gotovogo and Food. In addition, in the area of Talakivka and Gotovogo fighters used anti-tank missile system.
We will remind, on 30 April in the Donbas anti-terrorist operation is completed and starts operation of the United forces.
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