Crazy geography and the absence of conflict: the final day of the Champions League in Kiev was peaceful

Crazy geography and the absence of conflict: the final day of the Champions League in Kiev was peaceful
Yesterday, 22:34
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It is hoped that night after the game will be as hassle-free.
In the singing and a friendly atmosphere was held the day before the final match of the UEFA Champions League between the Spanish “real” and English “Liverpool”. In Kiev attended by the fans of these teams almost all continents, according to a story TSN.19:30.
In communication with the guests of the Ukrainian capital it was possible to know that the game arrived the fans of football not only from Europe but also South America, in particular Colombia and Ecuador. Many fans flew in from Asia – primarily China. All of them together with the British, the Spaniards and Ukrainians created a festive atmosphere in the city, and someone was looking for the opportunity to purchase tickets for the match, which was ready to pay up to thousands of euros.
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The correspondent TSN Svyatoslav Grinchuk
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TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 19:47
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