“Slap Poroshenko and Lutsenko”: how politicians reacted to the court’s decision to let Saakashvili
The Ukrainian politicians on-to a miscellaneous reacted to the decision of the Pechersk district court to release unconditionally the leader of the “Movement novih forces” of Mikheil Saakashvili.
Videobecause the court chose a measure of restraint Saakashvili
TSN. Pdsmi day
12 December, 01:08
So, the Deputy from the radical Igor Mosiychuk believes that the court’s decision “a public slap in the face” to President Petro Poroshenko and Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko.
See also:
“I will refrain from emotion.” Lutsenko said that the GPU is going to appeal the decision regarding Saakashvili
“I am firmly convinced that today’s decision by the Pechersky court on Saakashvili’s written outside of the Ukrainian state! Waiting for the consequences! And it sverhsekretnoj public slap in the face to President Poroshenko and Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko. What’s next?” – wrote Mosiychuk in Facebook.
His fellow party member Andrey Lozovoy sure that Saakashvili is actually not released the judge Larisa Sokol, and Poroshenko, and accused the President that he gave up the slack.
HEROINE fucking… Singing the praises of the judges Sokol – read at least with its “professional” merit and do all SROs…
Published by Andrei Lozovoi, on 11 December 2017.
But “ukropovets” Vitaliy kupriy Sokol called the “judge of the third Millennium”.
The Deputy from “Samopomich” semen Semenchenko believes that the judge dismissed Saakashvili because of pressure from the media and the public. And then he said that on the same day, the court in Mariupol has refused to release the activist of the Movement “Vyzvalenne”.
In Kiev under the pressure of people and media, the judge released Michel Saakashvili from custody. Congratulations to RNB and Misha. In Mariupol, Donetsk…
Published by semen Semenchenko 11 Dec 2017
An independent MP Borislav Bereza considers that the appeal is won by the party whose arguments were more convincing. In his opinion, the judges remember the fate of judge Kireyev, who sent to jail Yulia Tymoshenko, and they remember that power can change. Therefore, judges are afraid to take illegal decisions.
When I said that no judge would venture to make an illegal decision according to Saakashvili, many didn’t believe me. I to…
Published by Borislav Birch 11 Dec 2017
A member of the Pro-presidential faction in the Parliament Serhiy Leshchenko , in turn, believes that the court’s decision against Saakashvili is a personal loss of Lutsenko, since the arrest policy that has put everything on the line. “In a normal country, such a public Prosecutor should resign,” – said Leshchenko.
His fellow party member and supporter Mustafa Nayem said “the invalidity of public statements, Yuriy Lutsenko,” and “a blatant lack of professionalism, carelessness and recklessness of its subordinates.” However, according to the Deputy, “this does not mean that Saakashvili is at fault and does not absolve him of all issues.”
Nye also said that the trial of the politician observes the world community and, according to him, the ambassadors of Western countries in shock: they expect the GPU to something more powerful and professional.
See also:
Saakashvili has compared himself with Khodorkovsky and Tymoshenko
In addition, Mustafa Nayem warned Lutsenko: if he will “choose the path “to go to the end and contrary” to save face, it is dangerous for him and for the country as a whole”.
I think now with Yuriy Lutsenko many well-wishers willing to help and suggest what to do next. It is important to …
Mustafa Nayyem posted on December 11, 2017
Videosgallery, after the court decision went in a rented flat.
TSN. Pdsmi day
12 Dec, 01:13
We will remind, earlier Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko released a recorded conversation of Saakashvili and oligarch of the “family” of Yanukovych Sergey Kurchenko. They agreed to cooperate.
Mikheil Saakashvili is accused of assisting a criminal group under article 256 of the Penal code. He faces from 3 to 5 years behind bars. Police detained Saakashvili late on the evening of 8 December and taken to the detention facility of the SBU in the Askold lane.
Prosecutors petitioned for preventive punishment in the form of a round-the-clock house arrest because of the existence of danger to life, Saakashvili and Russian forces. Also, according to prosecutors, only this measure will allow the suspect proceedings in full.
December 11, Saakashvili chose a measure of restraint. Its just in the courtroom was set free without any conditions.