At the end of the spring at filling stations increased fuel prices. The average price for may 29

On the Ukrainian gas stations over the second half of may has risen in price gasoline and diesel fuel. The cost of gas for the car has remained consistently high. A liter of gasoline category A-95 in average in Ukraine today, may 29, is the accounting period 25.42 UAH. Depending on the gas stations, the price of this fuel varies from of 23.85 26,99 UAH to UAH. That is, to save or to pay can be up to three hryvnia. […]

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After the weekend in exchange rates of the national Bank have risen in price dollar and the Euro. Infographics

The national Bank of Ukraine set the official exchange rates for Monday, may 29. The US dollar gained 7 cents and worth 26,34 UAH. The Euro has become more expensive by 3 pennies and is 29,49 UAH. Recall that in the budget for 2017 laid down the dollar to 27.2 UAH. Throughout its history the record of hryvnia established two years ago – February 26, 2015 in NBU official exchange United States dollar amounted to 30.01 UAH, and the Euro […]

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The seller on the beach and the collector of berries. Where and how much you can earn in the summer

In Ukraine in the summer there is a great possibility to make money on vacation. As reported in the story TSN.Tyzhden with reference to the official data of the Ministry of social policy, in the resort area will go to work 17 thousand people, but unofficially it will be much more. For example, the seller of corn on the beach earns 12 thousand UAH/month, the maid at the hotel – 7 thousand UAH/month, gatherer of the harvest of 10 thousand […]

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Last year, “Ukrzaliznytsia” and “Ukrenergo” left ORDO more than 800 million UAH

State of NEK “Ukrenergo” and PJSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” in the past year, together invested in their units in the occupied territories 836 million. This is stated in the official responses of these companies to the queries of MP Victoria Voytsitskoy, who published “the Mirror of week”. “According to data provided by these companies, “Ukrenergo” in 2016, spent 154,906 million UAH on your unit, which operates in uncontrolled territory (NCT), and “Ukrzaliznytsya” — 681,238 million UAH”, — said the Deputy Voitsitska the […]

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Omeljan for the first time commented on the controversial Memorandum with Ryanair

The Minister of infrastructure Vladimir Omelian did not want to comment on the appearance of journalists from the government of the Memorandum with the airline Ryanair. This document appears the signature of the head of the Ministry of Infrastructure, said in the story TSN.19:30. “You know, at this point, I would like to refrain from making any comment,” said Omeljan. And added that until the completion of the signing of the contract between the airport “Borispol” and the Irish low-cost […]

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