Ukrzaliznytsia promises not to increase the cost of tickets for passengers

For 2017,”Ukrzaliznytsya” will not raise tariffs for passenger transportation, but will review them for cargo. “Ukrzaliznytsia” will initiate the indexation of tariffs for freight transport, not passenger. In the draft financial plan for 2017, which is prepared for the consideration of the Board, not planned indexation of tariffs for passenger transportation. The fare in trains of distant internal messaging is unchanged from July 2014″, – assure in a press-service of the carrier. The freight tariffs could rise from June this […]

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The biggest producer of ethanol in Ukraine has temporarily suspended work

State enterprise “Ukrspirt” has temporarily suspended production capacity. The reason for the first time in the last few years the company will conduct technical audit, economic activity and balance balances. “Pre-negotiations with the largest operators of the alcoholic market and achieved the complete understanding between the GP “Ukrspirt” and producers of alcoholic beverages. Commercial products of SE “Ukrspirt” is available to all partners in accordance with previously concluded agreements,” – said the press service of “Ukrspirt”. See also: Legal manufacturers […]

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The results of the presidential elections in France has suspended a Euro

In the world financial markets note the stability of the Euro after rising to 5-month highs on the background of the results of the first round of the presidential elections in France. The Euro has stopped growing after reaching a five-month peaks against the dollar after the candidate of the centrist and ex-economy Minister Emmanuel macron has won the first round of presidential elections in France, reducing the risk of the coming to power of the far-right candidate marine Le […]

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Ukraine shut off the power supply to the occupied Luhansk region

Tomorrow, April 25, occupied the districts of Luhansk region disconnected from electricity supply from Ukraine. This broadcast of the Luhansk regional television said the General Director of “Lugansk energy Association” Vladimir Gritsay. “We received documents from the state enterprise “Energorynok”, which is confirmed by documents of the Ministry of energy and coal industry signed by the Minister Natalika that April 25 will be completely stopped the flow of electricity in an uncontrolled way,” said Gritsay. Now carry out the technical […]

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Six one vacancy. Most of the unemployed are farmers, civil servants and sellers

For one job vacancy in the Ukraine claimed six of the unemployed. Such information was published by the State employment service, says the plot of the program “snidanok z “1+1”. In General, officially without a job now – more than 400 thousand Ukrainians. Every fourth person who was on the account in the centers of employment, worked in agriculture, one in five is a former civil servant, and every seventh unemployed person worked in manufacturing or construction.

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