In Kiev, a kind of action on the Independence Maidan celebrated the day of protection of prostitutes

Ukraine joined the international day of protection of sex workers from violence and cruelty. Abroad they take to the main streets with red umbrellas and handing out pamphlets calling with an understanding of their profession and not to offend, says the story TSN.19:30. In Ukraine, the celebration is now difficult to imagine, because prostitution is not a profession, and crime. At the same time, by estimates of public organisations, this activity think 80 thousand people. So one of the requirements […]

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The Joker from Vinnytsia for the “mining” of the Moscow metro was sentenced to five years in prison

A native of Vinnytsia region received five years in prison for false reports of a bomb threat at the Kiev metro stations “Lesnaya” and “Lybidska” and the detention center. This was reported in the capital Department of communication of the police. “The verdict of Shevchenko district court in Kyiv attacker for committing a criminal offense under part 1 of article 259 (Obviously untrue report on threat of safety of citizens, destructions or damages of objects of property) the Criminal code […]

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Under the Kyiv regional state administration protesters scuffled actors with people in camouflage

Near the capital of the regional state administration there was a scuffle in the crowd of protesters, the correspondent of TSN. About 10 o’clock near KOGA began to gather actors and the leadership of the Kyiv regional academic music and drama theatre named Saksaganskogo. They say that fast 6 days because of unpaid salaries. They say that the funding of the theatre was reduced, so they have three months did not receive earned. The action of the actors started with […]

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Klitschko was wondering why people were outraged because of the project’s largest flag of Ukraine

Metropolitan government presented the project of the installation of the flagpole of the state flag of Ukraine for UNESCO and received an approving assessment of the organization. This was stated by the mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko during a speech at the beginning of the meeting of the city Council, the press service of the KSCA. See also: Klitschko has received an order from the NACP for violations of the KSCA “Now is inflated a lot of speculation and innuendo […]

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In the state budget provided UAH 2.6 billion to build a metro in Kiev – Klitschko

In the state budget of Ukraine to 2018 provides 2.6 billion UAH for the construction of the subway in Kiev, 1 billion UAH – up to the completion Podolsko resurrection of the bridge in the capital, and 300 million UAH – for the modernization of the outdoor lighting network. This was during a city Council meeting told city Chairman Vitaliy Klitschko, reports UNIAN. “Funds included in the state budget for our city, enough to begin work on important infrastructure objects. […]

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