More than 300 units of special equipment “kievavtodor” save the capital city from the snow

In Kyiv now operates 313 units of special equipment of the enterprises of the municipal Corporation “kievavtodor.” This is reported in the press center of the Kyiv city state administration. “There are 313 units of special equipment of the enterprises of QA “kievavtodor”, including snow removal machines 78, 106 soleresponsibility, 48 tractors with special snow-removal equipment and the like” – informs of the KSCA. Videostorage mountains: the Carpathians suffer from prolonged snowfall TSN. Pdsmi day 5 Dec, 00:24 Facebook VKontakte […]

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In the capital, 70 % of the network has exhausted its 25-year lifetime.

In Kiev, 70 % of heating systems have already exceeded their 25-year service life and require replacement. About it informs the press service of Kyivenergo. From the beginning of the heating season, they found and fixed 2584 damage. “Every day, at the Metropolitan networks, the company identifies and eliminates an average of 50 damage”, – is spoken in the message. See also: Blocked the road and flooded the asphalt: there are photos after the breakthrough of the heating system in […]

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Dubious investors from “Family” to destroy the monument of Russia. How to protect excavations on Mail

A few years ago in Kiev, at the Postal square during the reconstruction was across the street 11-12 century. In this area was the Baptism of Rus. As stated in the story TSN.Week, it could all go away, because the investor who builds under Plasa shopping center, should have a plate, in fact, destroying the previously found findings. According to the Director of the Centre of archaeology Kyiv Mykhailo Sahaidak, an interesting complex, which was discovered in early excavations. It […]

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In Kiev, the car hit stop and hit three people

In Kiev, the Nissan took off at a public transport stop and hit three people. The accident occurred on Sunday, 10 December, Kyiv Operational. According to the driver of the car, he was driving down the street the Upper Shaft. Near “rye market” he decided to turn on the street. The lower Shaft and on the tram tracks his car skidded. The car left the pavement at stop of public transport. At that time at the bus stop were three […]

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“Yury Lutsenko corrupt” parties “March for impeachment” got to the state office of public Prosecutor

The participants of the March for the adoption of the law of impeachment came to St. Resnicow in Kiev to the building of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine demanding the resignation of Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko, reports UNIAN. According to the correspondent, the rally near the remand prison of the SBU, where the leader of the party “new force” Mikheil Saakashvili, lasted about 40 minutes. There activists lit a few flares, then the convoy went in the direction of the […]

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