To start a business or sign up for a passport in a single click. The government has updated the portal

Earned new Internet portal of the government with an expanded set of special services. From now on, every Ukrainian with a single state of the resource will be able to use more than 50 administrative e-services. This is stated in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”. For example, already today it is possible to arrange the birth of the child without going to authorities. Also anyone from the comfort of home, you may enroll online for the issue internal or […]

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IPhones, pajamas and kissing: what brought St. Nicholas into the family of Ukrainian people’s deputies

December 19, the Ukrainian people’s deputies gave to the family and receiving gifts. Some admitted that has made the rod instead of Goodies, and some even felt unworthy of a good show, says the story TSN.19:30. “This morning was a kiss, and in the evening view. I gave his wife a bouquet of flowers. Sweet we will have the evening pie. My favorite, Apple”, – said Anton Gerashchenko. “The kiss at the meeting, and perhaps a passionate kiss before the […]

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The next step should be deokkupatsii of the Crimea – Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine commented on the adoption of the UN resolution on the Peninsula

The foreign Ministry of Ukraine welcomes the adoption by the UN General Assembly the resolution on human rights violations in Crimea and says that the next step should be to de-occupation of the Peninsula. This is stated in the message on the Ministry’s website. “The broad support for our position in the Crimea is evidence that the international community has sent a clear message to the Russian occupation authorities – the issue of Crimea is not closed, the world is […]

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Saakashvili published an open letter to Poroshenko and urged him to voluntarily resign

The leader of the “Movement novih forces,” Mikheil Saakashvili unveiled a large open letter to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. He explained why he wrote the previous letter with a proposal to de-escalate, said that the assault of October Palace was a provocation by the authorities and urged the President to voluntarily resign. Speaking about the letter which was released today by the press service Poroshenko, Saakashvili said that it was written after consultations with the ambassadors of friendly […]

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Independent experts checked the quality of “backpacks Avakov”

Due to the publicity of the case about the alleged corruption of the contract for delivery of backpacks for the needs of the national guard under the firm son of the interior Minister Arsen Avakov Alexander independent experts conducted its own examination of production samples. Prosecutors said that the backpacks were purchased smaller, of a different material and actually cost less than the price you paid for them, according to a story TSN.19:30. The results of the investigations of the […]

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